Friday, October 28, 2022


Despite not being based on a comic book, “Unbreakable” is usually considered one of the best superhero movies of all time. “Split,” however, was a solid enough psychological thriller that just so happened to take place in the same realm thanks to an unexpected end-credits scene which left everyone spinning. Now can bringing these “franchises” together for a collaboration of this really work? Apparently, it does and in a way which should make fans of both movies very happy.

“Glass,” released in 2019, takes place three years after “Split” and a good fifteen years or more after “Unbreakable.” Josh Wilding said in his review, “Despite that, it takes no time at all to get reacquainted with David Dunn's world and where we find him here feels...right. Honestly, it's hard to say much at all without delving into spoiler territory but M. Night Shyamalan's screenplay is solid from start to finish and while the filmmaker's patented big twist is bound to be divisive, it's also going to leave viewers with a lot to talk about for a very long time to come. Ultimately, it feels like the filmmaker chose to end this story in a way he saw fit regardless of what fans wanted and that's really all we can ask from an honest storyteller.” No matter where you stand on liking or hating it, having David Dunn, Kevin, and Mr. Glass all on screen simultaneously is greatly effective and leads to some moments you will never forget.

Though James McAvoy was excellent in “Split,” he really gets the chance to show here, showing off an even wider range of personalities and stealing the show in every single scene he’s in. Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson also pick up where they left off and occupy these characters every bit as much as their other famous characters (John McClane and Nick Fury are obviously two of the most famous examples). Series newcomer Sarah Paulson is absolutely fantastic as well and as she has a far more amount of screentime than Anya Taylor-Joy, meaning she’s “Glass’” female protagonist. Well, we’re lucky to have her as she brings a lot to this movie and stands out in an otherwise male-dominated cast.

As a film, “Glass” works really well. Wilding said, “The performances are strong and it's great fun from start to finish with some unexpected moments and a twist which, as I mentioned, is bound to split opinion. The three leads chew the scenery and shine when on screen together but the biggest downside here is perhaps the final act. Budget constraints mean a finale which is teased from fairly early on never becomes a reality.” Things also start to get a little confusing and rushed at this point and it’s hard not to think back to large comic book events and the way they so often finish with a final problem which doesn’t really live up to what came before. However, in the end, this really is more a little more enjoyable than “Unbreakable” and a movie which finally takes full advantage of “Split’s” clever story.

Well worth checking out, “Glass” may not be the “Unbreakable” sequel some fans were wanting but it definitely doesn’t disappoint and is really enjoyable.

My brother and I saw this together and we liked it. Critics seemed to smash this movie saying it was bad, but I didn’t think that. I thought everything came together really nicely, although the way it ended was not one that I liked. However, it was still nice to see the personalities of Willis, Jackson, and McAvoy clash in this film. See it if you have seen the previous two movies and give it a chance. Don’t listen to the critics, judge the film for yourself.

Well, that ends “M. Night Shyamalan Month,” but that doesn’t mean that Halloween Month will also end. Stay tuned on Halloween Day to find out what I will review to finish off the movie with.

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