Friday, October 25, 2019

The Boxtrolls

Sheila O’Malley started her review by saying, “When I was a kid I saw both David Lean's "Oliver Twist" and Carol Reed's "Oliver!," and then promptly spent a summer plowing my way through Dickens' book, which I hadn't read, hoping to step into the fantasy launched by those films. After that, any story involving orphans held a huge appeal, and if it also took place in Victorian-era England, well, even better. It was a fantasy that lasted for years. "The Boxtrolls," the latest film from the Oregon-based stop-motion studio LAIKA (who brought us "Coraline" and "ParaNorman"), reminded me of getting lost in those vividly told and sometimes awful stories of children going up against a cruel adult universe.”

“The Boxtrolls,” released in 2014, co-directed by Graham Annable and Anthony Stacchi, has darkness to it – in the images and in its themes – a darkness that is really existential in nature. It’s actually heavy stuff for children, but children have been craving for “heavy stuff” since stories for children were made. O’Malley stated, “What "The Boxtrolls" does is create an entire hierarchical world, with strict rules governing that structure, and it introduces us to a cast of eccentric and often grotesque characters who live and breathe in that fetid air.” It’s beautifully inventive, amazingly funny, and splendid to look at; the screen sometimes consisted of overwhelming detail. The world “The Boxtrolls” gives us is one both strange and familiar: a town that exists in some type of combined unconscious with its narrow streets, huge Main Square, shaking mansions and slippery alleyways. O’Malley noted, “It's out of a fairy tale; it's medieval Europe; it's Dickens or the films of Jean-Pierre Jeunet.”

Based loosely on Here Be Monsters, the 2005 novel by Alan Snow, “The Boxtrolls” takes place in a city called Cheesebridge, balanced insecurely on the slopes of a dagger-shaped mountain. The town loves cheese. Cheese is this town’s version of owning a fully-loaded sports car. If you can afford to have tasting parties where you offer the latest Brie, you know you have made it.

Lord Portley-Rind, voiced by Richard Harris' son, Jared Harris (who you might remember from "Mad Men"), is the Mayor of Cheesebridge and owner of a “white hat” (the symbol of being a noble). He has a small red-haired daughter named Winnie, voiced by Elle Fanning. The scared silly people of Cheesebridge have been taught, through rumor and scary bedtime stories, that the Boxtrolls, little beings who come out at night and go through the trash, are going to threaten the town, steal their children, and eat them. O’Malley is right when comparing, “It is Cheesebridge's version of The Bogeyman.”

O’Malley continued, “At night, the "Snatchers", led by the snaggletoothed and bulbous-bellied Archibald Snatcher (Ben Kingsley), come out, trolling the streets looking for Boxtrolls.” The mission is to expunge the entire Boxtroll population. Archibald Snatcher is dishonest, and all he wants to do is give up his “red hat” (lower-status) and join the “white hats.” That selfish reason makes him do awful awful acts. He is joined by a dreadful trio of helpers: Mr. Gristle (Tracy Morgan), Mr. Pickles (Richard Ayoade) and Mr. Trout (Nick Frost). Mr. Gristle laughs with sociopathic delight at thinking of expunging the Boxtrolls and is really expressively dull he can only repeat the last word of whatever was said to him. However, Mr. Pickles and Mr. Trout are in the middle of a continuing crisis of principles. At first, they believe they are on the side of law and order; they are the “good guys.” Increasingly, though, they’re not so sure, and they try to comfort one another with unsuccessful supportive statements.

Meanwhile, we see the Boxtrolls. The Boxtroll home is a beautifully-imagined area: a huge cave, packed with found objects, gears, light bulbs and toasters; things thrown away by the Cheesebridge residents. The Boxtrolls speak, but we don’t understand their language, and there are no subtitles. The Boxtrolls exist as amazing evidence of the amount of power and precision of pantomime. O’Malley said, “They babble and gurgle to one another, and we understand every word.” In the Boxtrolls is a little boy named Eggs, voiced by Isaac Hempstead Wright, probably named that because that was the word on the box he wears like a huge sweater. Eggs’ Boxtroll mentor is a nice, worried little being named Fish, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, who looks strangely like Abe Vigoda (probably referencing a movie). The two play music together, they are friends, Eggs has always lived with the Boxtrolls and he thinks he is a Boxtroll.

O’Malley mentioned, “LAIKA has outdone itself in its imagining of this complex world.” There’s a ballroom dance in Lord Portley-Rind’s mansion that has to be seen to know. Sometimes, we see it from Winnie’s point of view, the big leaping skirts at her eye level flying by her, and other times, the camera circles up to look down on the flying colorful couples. The streets of Cheesebridge are abrupt and winding, with secluded streetlights having trouble shining their light through the blue shade. O’Malley said, “There is a gigantic bouncing cheese wheel, catapulting itself down the slopes like some engine of doom and destruction, both hilarious and scary. After a night of scavenging, the Boxtrolls stack themselves into a sleeping formation, and, overhead, the bare lightbulbs they have hung from the dirt ceiling turn their lair into a place of wonder and magic. These images have great emotional resonance. The details of the costumes are amazing, the frayed stitching on Snatcher's waistcoat, the tiered ruffles of Winnie's pink dress, the gleaming ridiculous badges sewn onto the front of Portley-Rind's coat. The images do not have a modern gleam, they are not slick. They feel slightly tattered, hand-made, deteriorating.”

Without being informative, “The Boxtrolls” shows the dangers of a hierarchical society, separated from high-status and low, and also has some very interesting and moving things to say about identity, family, and morality. O’Malley said, “There is a suggestion that a moral compass exists on its own, whether it has been nurtured in us or not.” Critical thinking skills means you look around and estimate reality based on what is being shown. O’Malley said, “The residents of Cheesebridge, drowning in myth, rumor, and the comfort of intermittent mob violence against the Boxtrolls, are unable to do that.” However, Winnie slowly sees she has been lied to forever. She is able to see her world and see that the way things are set up is wrong and unfair.

“The Boxtrolls” is a beautiful example of the possible in LAIKA’s stop-motion approach, and the images onscreen are physical and covered. However, as always, it’s the story that really matters, and the story told here is funny, ugly, emotional and true.

As always, if you’re a fan of stop-motion and liked everything that LAIKA had done with their other movies, this one is actually a very good one to see. It’s actually nice that something came out with an original idea as opposed to making a sequel, reboot, adaptation or some kind of movie that has been told to death. I thoroughly found myself enjoying this movie because it was a lot of fun and I think everyone will enjoy it as well.

Look out next week to see what garbage I will be ending off “Halloween Month” with.

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