Monday, August 28, 2017

Hallowen Month 2017 Announcement

Hi, how’s everyone doing? I just wanted to come out and give a special announcement regarding this year’s “Halloween Month.”

When I first started out blogging and October came, I was heavily inspired by James Rolfe with his “Monster Madness” marathon that he had been doing on his website, Cinemassacre. Watching his videos every year since he started out, I really liked his reviews on all the horror movies and I thought that I would do my own version of it, crediting James and saying he was my inspiration.

Last year, around this time, when he had announced that it was going to be his tenth and final year doing “Monster Madness,” that’s when I came to a realization: I was running into the same problem he was.

Now, I feel like I don’t have enough horror movies to fill the entire month of October out with anymore. With the number of horror movies that I have watched, I’m running out of movies to fill up the entire month of October with. You might be saying, “Well, watch 31 Halloween related movies and write a review on them.” That could work, but you got to understand the procedure that goes into making these reviews.

First, I have to select the movie that I want to review. If I haven’t seen it, I have to watch it. Once that is done, I have to find a reviewer who I agree with what they are saying and write a review while crediting that reviewer that I am citing. Plus, there may be times when I am typing up a review, and I pause in the middle because I get distracted.

I wouldn’t mind watching 31 Halloween related movies, but if I were to do that every year, then that would interrupt what I want to review every month of the year. I would be putting all my efforts into October and not for the remainder of the year, and that wouldn’t be fair to all of you. Plus, cramming 31 movie reviews in October is really tiring and I do feel burnt out by the end of the month that I feel I need to take some time off before posting reviews again, which I have stated every year. If I were to watch and review 31 horror movies, that would be really exhausting.

Now I know there are those saying, “Why don’t you let someone write the review for you?” Then it wouldn’t be me saying what I think, but someone else. My fellow partner, reviewreviewer1, hasn’t contacted me for some time now, and we haven’t really collaborated on a review since the Star Wars joint reviews. We were going to redo the Spider-Man movie reviews, but I lost the reviews of the films that we had done. Also, he might have a different opinion on a movie then I would, so if he likes the film and I don’t, then it wouldn’t make sense for him to write the review. If we agree, then we can put our inputs together in our reviews. However, that too takes some time and effort, as you might have noticed with the Star Wars reviews.

Just to let you know, I am going to be reviewing 31 movies this “Halloween Month,” but this will be the last year that it will be done. That seems fitting to end that off with five years. With that said, “Halloween Month” is not going anywhere. I will still be reviewing Halloween movies in October, but they will be shorter. It will either be on a franchise that has a number of sequels that will be spread out throughout the month, or it will be the traditional Friday reviews.

With this format, it will open my reviews up for more time and effort, which I feel will be needed, since I don’t plan on what month will be what reviews until time gets closer. I already have October ready, which will be on the top three franchises that fit Halloween horror, and I think you all know which ones I am referring to. I feel that they are right to end off the 31 movie review tradition for “Halloween Month,” and I'm really excited to review those three franchises.

I personally want to thank James for the inspiration he gave me on creating “Halloween Month,” and I feel like I can relate to him when he officially retired “Monster Madness.” Only difference is that he did the marathon twice as long as I did mine, but he’s more of the horror buff than I am.

Just to recap: this coming October will be the last “Halloween Month” with the 31 horror movie tradition. Now I can open up my schedule for more movie reviews down the road, and “Halloween Month” will continue, but in a shorter and concise method. I don't think I will ever run out of horror movies to review for October, since the genre never ends.

Check in next month to see what I review for September and prepare for “Halloween Month 2017” this coming October. I feel like I owe it to my online audience who have been reading my reviews since the beginning to give them a heads up now until later. Take care.

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