Friday, May 24, 2024

Wrath of the Titans

Roger Ebert started his review out by admitting, “Maybe it was the three exploding mountains too many. Or the dozen surplus fireballs. Or too much noise. "Wrath of the Titans" relentlessly wore me down with special effects so overscale compared to the characters in the film that at times the only thing to do was grin. The characters, to be sure, are gods and not humans, but they are human-sized gods. Give it a moment's thought: What chance does your average muscular god have against the grinding stones of a labyrinth as large as a volcano?”

Hold on there. You may be asking, “Why are the Titans feeling wrathful?” Their feelings of discontent can go back a decade or two to what transpired in “Clash of the Titans,” where Perseus, played by Sam Worthington, defeated the Kraken and retired to raise his son. You may remember that Perseus is a demigod, the son of Zeus, played by Liam Neeson, and a human mother. Or maybe you don’t remember. Perseus doesn’t settle down for long because there is a worldwide catastrophe with the gods. Humans have stopped believing in them, and the gods, no matter what anyone have been led to believe, depend on their power on the faith of those who believe in them. Ebert admitted, “I was reminded of Tinker Bell, and toyed with the notion of Perseus turning to the audience and asking, "Do you believe in gods?"”

We see that Perseus is not very fond of Zeus, who did assault his mother. However, the time has come to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Zeus is being held prisoner by Hades, played by Ralph Fiennes, who hopes to steal his power. Now Perseus must go to the underworld to rescue his father, restore his power, and prevent Hades from taking over the world. This he and his team must do by negotiating a labyrinth and descend to Tartarus.

The labyrinth scene isn’t bad. This contraption was built from the outside in, we see, leaving only one escape route. It has an insane maze of giant rocks, arranged like a clockwork instrument so that its elements grind and shift change forms. The stones appear to be able to sense where the gods are and play with them. Ebert said, “It is frankly impossible to see how the (human-sized) gods have half a chance in its bowels, especially since exits become dead ends, narrow corridors begin to crush in upon them, and so on. If you were to quiz me on how they escape, I would be puzzled. They just ... found their way out, I guess.”

Never mind, “Wrath of the Titans,” released in 2012, is obviously not concerned with believability. Ebert admitted, “It lacks a comprehensible story, and you won't need your Cliff Notes on the Greek myths.” You get an idea of who the protagonists are, and then they spend a good amount of time saying laughable dialogue at one another while being forced off the screen by special effects.

That’s where the meteors and exploding mountains come in. Ebert said, “No attempt is made to achieve a consistent physical scale in the movie, nor a comprehensible spatial plan. I was never quite sure where anybody or anything was in relationship to anything else, and eventually I gave up trying: This is a montage of sweaty, dirty, bloodied faces and figures assembled to fit between balls of fire.”

Ebert continued, “I should have added that the movie is in 3-D. This is not a help. "Wrath of the Titans" is to begin with a dusty, murky pictorial confusion, not helped by dim underworld scenes, and although I'm sure the focus must be excellent, it had an imprecise feeling to me. Then the 3-D glasses did their bit to reduce the light level from the screen, and unlimited clouds of smoke, dust and sand were generated by the explosions, and finally I found myself wondering, just for the heck of it, how the movie might have played with a more traditional approach. You know. Literate, concise dialogue.” Characters we care about, with relationships that have meaning for audiences. Action set-pieces within well-established three-dimensional boundaries. Pacing that doesn’t go past viewers faster than we can develop interest.

As you may have guessed, this movie is atrocious compared to the first one. The first film was already bad enough, why did they need to make a sequel? As anyone can tell you, remakes are rarely any good and to make a sequel to the remake is a mistake. Never make the mistake of seeing this sequel because you will regret ever watching this.

Next week, I will ending “Liam Neeson Month” with a board game adaptation that was bad.

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