Friday, May 10, 2024

Clash of the Titans (2010)

Thirty years after the original film's release came the 2010 “Clash of the Titans” remake, and many things were changed. Perseus now starts as a humble fisherman, Princess Andromeda is not his love interest, Hades is the main villain, Pegasus has changed from white to black, and the robotic owl Bubo has been replaced by a young girl who never ages. Mike Massie said in his review, “While much of it has been altered for no apparent reason, some things have received an overhaul appropriate to the advancements in technology – namely the special effects and creature designs.” Even though a lot may feel that no CG can replace the classic look of Ray Harryhausen’s inspired creations, updates to the Kraken, the Stygian Witches, and the giant scorpions, and even new additions like the Djinns, are creative and can be very impressive. However, when it comes to Medusa, the stop-motion Gorgan still wins.

A child found abandoned in the sea, Perseus (Sam Worthington), is taken in and raised by the fisherman Spyros (Pete Postlehwaite). When Hades (Ralph Fiennes) kills his adoptive family, Perseus discovers his true lineage as the son of Zeus (Liam Neeson). Driven by a desire for revenge, he embarks on a seemingly impossible mission—to vanquish the Kraken, a creature so formidable that even the gods of Mount Olympus fear it.

Even though he hates his demigod origins, Perseus won’t make the journey alone. A mighty sword forged by the gods themselves is his weapon, and accompanying him is Io (Gemma Arterton), a beautiful woman “cursed” with not aging (along with flawless makeup and a healthy glow), and the soldiers Draco (Mads Mikkelson), Solon (Liam Cunningham), Ixas (Hans Matheson), and more, including volunteers, scorpion-riding desert people, and other fodder for the various beasts they meet. Like the original, their first stop is to find the Kraken’s weakness in the garden of Stygia, and the last is to cross the River Styx into Medusa’s liar.

The costumes, armor, castles, makeup, creatures, and special effects are all larger in scale than the original. Still, the cheesiness hasn't left despite some ridiculous dialogue, Zeus’ shining wardrobe, and unnecessary flashbacks. At least an intelligent homage or two is inserted. However, where’s the groundbreaking music or the chance to surpass the classic design of Medusa? Why does the use of 3D in this movie have such little impact on the visual appeal? Massie said, “This remake is also just in time to have the Kraken (a cross between the “Cloverfield” behemoth and the enemy soldiers in the “Gears of War” video game) belittled by the flying colossus in “How to Train Your Dragon.” With larger roles for lesser characters, the ferryman’s upgraded boat (possibly due to bribes), a pitifully uncreative alteration for Calibos, and Ralph Fiennes’ portrayal of a character noticeably too much like Harry Potter’s Voldemort, this not-so-epic odyssey is more tedious, generic, and recycled than it ought to be, especially considering the time the filmmakers have had to polish the story and imagery.”

As everyone might have guessed, this remake could be better. It does not hold a candle to the classic original film, especially with the lasting effect of Ray Harryhausen’s work. This is another example of CG not making a remake better than the original. I don’t recommend seeing this because of how forgettable it is. I honestly had forgotten what I thought of this film after a while, which gives you an idea.

Next week, I will examine an adaptation of a classic TV show in the continuation of “Liam Neeson Month.” I apologize for the late posting. I fell asleep because I was so tired after work today.

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