Friday, August 26, 2022

Fight Club

A complex, confused look at life in late-90s America, David Fincher’s violent 1999 black comedy “Fight Club” remains one of the most divisive movies of the past 20 years. Hated by insensitive critics when it was first released as a hateful celebration of chaos, the film has over the years gained a passionate cult of mostly male viewers who have gotten it equally wrong. There is pessimism, violence, and anarchy in Fincher’s adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s cult novel about a nameless protagonist (Edward Norton) who falls out of his tiring job into a fighting ring and eventual terrorist organization run by the loud Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). However, it’s all part of the film’s livid, despairing satire of a culture so overwhelmed with materialism and greed the only response is to burn the whole thing down and start over from the beginning.

Norton’s protagonist, suffering from insomnia because of unhappiness over his materialist lifestyle (Matt Noller said in his review, “his apartment is presented in the style of an IKEA catalogue, one of Fincher’s earliest and most effective bits of artful digital trickery”), starts the film by finding comfort through support groups for disorders he doesn’t have. Noller mentioned, “Attending groups for testicular cancer patients, alcoholics, and survivors of incest allows Norton to have people really listen to him rather than just “wait for their turn to talk.” It’s his escape from his soul-crushing corporate job (a risk calculator for a major automobile manufacturer), but it’s a false one because it’s a lie.” He finds a more apparently real escape in Durden, whom he meets on an airplane and goes to live with after his apartment burns down.

Noller said, “Norton’s character and the tackily dressed Durden, who attacks mainstream values by splicing porn footage into children’s films and selling women’s liposuction fat back to them in boutique soaps, form the underground “Fight Club,” where men go to beat the shit out of each other. It’s a total boy’s club, which explains why Fight Club has so appealed to a certain strand of hyper-masculine men who don’t understand that Fincher, Palahniuk, and screenwriter Jim Uhls are making fun of them.” “Fight Club” never hides the fact that the club and its terrorist branch, Project Mayhem, are just more false support groups, nor does it steer away from the fact that its members are mindless, whining idiots. Noller described, “Though the film’s big plot twist doesn’t make much narrative sense, it does make explicit that Durden is just a literal manifestation of a ridiculous male fantasy—a fantasy every bit as manufactured as the desire for a big-screen TV or yin-yang-shaped coffee table. (Much of the brilliance of Pitt’s performance is in how he turns his absurdly chiseled physique into a wild, scary joke.)” Fight Club is not the answer.

So, what is? Well for starters, love, though of a particularly disturbed type. If “Fight Club” has a heart (Noller said, “and I think it just might”), it’s in the relationship between Norton and Marla Singer, played by Helena Bonham Carter, a fellow support-group liar who falls in with Durden. Noller described, “The girl is all kinds of damaged, but there’s a sick sweetness to her hate-fuck romance with Norton, something sort of nasty and real among all of contemporary life’s distancing messages and mediation. If Fight Club falters somewhat by diagnosing a problem while dismissing all the solutions, there’s nonetheless a warped but very real sense of hope in its final image of a boy and girl holding hands while the world collapses around them.” “Fight Club” is funny, scary, messy, and imperfect, and there’s a reason it continues to tolerate. It met us at a very strange time in the decade.

I think it goes without saying that this is a movie that has to be seen to be believed. Psychology students could have a field day with this film. I think people might know the twist, but if not, I’m not going to spoil it. Everyone knows the famous quote from this movie, “The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club.” I had a friend when I attended Community College that was obsessed with this movie. Probably because it was his favorite, which I can understand. Like I had already said, this is one of those mind-boggling films that you should see because you will enjoy it.

Thank you for joining in on “Brad Pitt Month.” Look out next month to see what I will review next.

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