Friday, February 21, 2020

Green Book

62-year-old director Peter Farrelly has made some great comedies over the past three decades including “Dumb and Dumber,” “Kingpin,” “There’s Something About Mary” and “Shallow Hal.” People can’t really fathom that it’s taken more than 25 years for Farrelly to make his first drama. It wasn’t because he didn’t try.

Studios weren’t really interested in the beginning with his script for “Green Book,” released in 2018, which he co-wrote with Nick Vallelonga and Brian Hayes Currie, but that changed when he was able to convince Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali to star in the film. What we finally saw speaks for itself. The film won the worthwhile Audience Award at the 2018 Toronto Film Festival and was slated to feature importantly when the Academy Award nominations were announced.

Matthew Toomey compared in his review, “It’s easy to see why comparisons are being made with another Oscar winner, Driving Miss Daisy.  Released back in 1989, it was the tale of an old lady (Jessica Tandy) who has her eyes opened to racism in the United States thanks to her loyal African American driver (Morgan Freeman).  They were as different as chalk and cheese but the film culminated with Tandy grabbing Freeman’s hand and saying the now famous line – “you’re my best friend”.”

Set in 1962, “Green Book” switches the races in that situation. Don Shirley, referred to as “Doc,” played by Ali, is a famous black pianist based at Carnegie Hall. While performing his small part for the civil rights movement, he has agreed to perform at so many venues across the country to showcase his piano playing in front of white audiences. It’s an 8-week tour that begins in Pennsylvania and concludes in more “conservative” states like Mississippi and Alabama.

Doc notices that him being in the Deep South will greatly attract attention from white supremacists and he asked Tony Vallelonga, played by Mortensen, an expert in night club “public relations,” to be both his driver and security guard. They’re both from New York City but that’s all the similarities they have. Tony doesn’t really like the job and idea of working for a “colored” but he’s in a bad area financially and needs the cash to help support his wife (Linda Cardellini) and two children (Hudson Galloway and Gavin Lyle Foley).

There are a few little surprises but for the most part, “Green Book” is just like anyone could expect. There’s early tension between the characters but a friendship is quickly made between them. Did this feel-good biography really happen? You’ll get a different answer depending on who you ask. Tony’s son co-wrote the screenplay and based it on stories and audio tapes given by his late father. From others perspectives, Doc’s 82-year-old brother said this was “a symphony of lies” and was disappointed that he and his family were not asked during the filmmaking process.

Toomey said, “I can’t attest to its factual accuracy but Green Book is still a warm-hearted crowd pleaser that achieves its mission thanks to the two stellar performances from Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen.  The interaction between the pair is the clear highlight.  Power games are afoot in the first half of the movie as each asserts their authority.  The calm, articulate Doc lays down clear ground rules (no smoking the car, hands on the wheel at all times) but the chatty, food-loving, chain-smoking Tony is quick to test those boundaries to see how far they can be pushed.”

The film becomes more dramatic and emotional in the second half as they come face-to-face with the natural “it’s just the way we do things down here” racism that existed, and still exists, in parts of the country. The situations become more difficult and as details are told about Doc’s past, he becomes a more interesting, concerned character. Toomey said, “The narrative is a little too skewed towards Tony’s good deeds (and I know some have been critical of this) but I’d argue that we still get to see Doc make his mark on the world and break down barriers (which was always his intention).”

Nothing in “Green Book” is actually new or revealing but it’s still a well told story.

This is a good movie that you should see. There isn’t anything new in here, like I said, but I still think it’s another feel good movie that everyone should see. You’ll really love the roles that Mortensen and Ali play, because it can be relatable in some way. See it for yourself and see what you think.

Stay tuned next week for the finale of this year’s “Black History Movie Month.”

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