Monday, December 31, 2018

No posting today

I'm really sorry online readers. I know that everyone was waiting for a blog posting today, but the movie that I wanted to review, I didn't get a chance to go to the theaters to watch. I thought we were going to go in the morning, but that didn't happen. Then, I thought we were going to go tonight, and that didn't happen. So now I'm stuck waiting to find a day that I can go watch the movie that I wanted to watch today. I hope that I can watch it soon so that I can wrap the month up with, but if I don't find someone who will be willing to go watch it with me soon, I will probably just have to go by myself.

However, I didn't want to leave everyone feeling empty, so I will end off the month by saying the same thing I usually say at the end of every year. This year was actually the easiest that I have had in all my years blogging. I didn't post as much reviews as I did last year and it might be that way, unless something happens and I end up posting a lot of reviews, but I don't see myself doing that any time in the near future.

I hope that everyone had a great 2018 and I hope that 2019 opens up a lot of doors and opportunities for everyone. Have a great New Year's Eve everyone. Here's hoping that 2019 will be better and that I will be able to finish off the month with the latest live action Disney movie that I have wanted to watch ever since it was released. Enjoy the end of the year my online readers. I will see everyone next year when I start back up on my Friday reviews.

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