Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Ralph Breaks the Internet

Tonight, my brother and I went to see the latest sequel from Walt Disney’s Animation Studios, “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” which came out six days ago. How is it compared to the first movie? Let’s find out:

It’s hard to believe that “Wreck-It Ralph” was released before “Frozen,” but it did. “Wreck-It Ralph” was released in 2012, while “Frozen” came out a year later. “Frozen” was a gigantic hit that put Disney Animation Studios on par with Pixar, but “Wreck-It Ralph” was a great movie that kept Disney Animation’s streak running high after the hit of “Tangled” two years earlier. Don Kaye is right when he said in his review, “Ralph’s deft and witty blend of adult nostalgia for 1980s 8-bit arcade video games, combined with a wonderful visual palette and a story that could enrapture little ones, proved to be a unique and satisfying combination.”

After six years we get a sequel to “Wreck-It Ralph,” and it’s safe to say that “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” despite having a little hint of corporate requirement around it is an entertaining, pleasant and emotional sequel. It takes our protagonist – the especially strong yet completely immature Ralph (John C. Reilly) and the spirited, disobedient and glitchy racer girl from the Sugar Rush game, Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) – on a mission in a different area, giving the sequel to not repeat a lot from the first film while still having both grow as characters.

As “Ralph Breaks the Internet” starts, Ralph and Vanellope have been best friends for six years while loving their games and jobs at Litwak’s Family Fun Center and Arcade. One of them does, however. Kaye mentioned, “While Ralph luxuriates in the simple pleasures of his “life” as a video game villain (who now has friends and is accepted in the community), Vanellope is growing tired of running the same races over and over again and yearns for something different.”

A small mistake by Ralph to change things up in Sugar Rush ends up with the game being broken and a steering wheel – really impossible to find for the old arcade game – needs to be replaced. Kaye said, “At first it seems that this might condemn Sugar Rush and its denizens to the scrap heap, but Mr. Litwak’s (Ed O’Neill) introduction of wi-fi to the arcade opens up the internet to our heroes, and with it the chance to find a replacement steering wheel on something called eBay. So into the modem and out along the phone lines shoot Ralph and Vanellope, into the vast digital megalopolis known as the World Wide Web.”

Kaye continued, “Other films -- most notably last year’s misguided The Emoji Movie -- have tried to portray the Internet and its various edifices in similar fashion, and there’s no small irony in an entertainment behemoth like Disney attempting to do the same (we’re somewhat surprised that there isn’t a Disney Plus skyscraper already lurking within).” However, unlike a film like “Ready Player One,” which gave the endless amount of corporate IPs as holy things of our imaginations and youths, the filmmakers behind “Ralph Breaks the Internet” (mainly the returning three directors and writers of “Wreck-It Ralph” Rich Moore, Clark Spencer and Phil Johnston) gladly, if faintly, admit that the Internet primarily is there now to shop.

This is shown in the annoying little green pop-ups, voiced by Bill Hader, that always try to take our heroes to malware sites and other online scams, but there’s also a clever little jab at the parent company also when Ralph and Vanellope walk into the Disney site (OhMyDisney.com) and encounter so many characters from Marvel, Pixar and Lucasfilm. The funniest part is when Vanellope walks into the Disney Princesses dressing room and meets every single main female animated character from this studio (Jennifer Hale, Kate Higgins, Jodi Benson, Paige O’Hara, Linda Larkin, Irene Bedard, Ming-Na Wen, Anika Noni Rose, Mandy Moore, Kelly Macdonald, Pamela Ribon, Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel and Auli’I Cravalho), with many of them (almost all voiced by the original actresses) proving to be either stuck in or madly different from the characters audiences are used to.

“Ralph Breaks the Internet” also goes into the world of violent online games through a trip to Slaughter Race, where they meet the tough but sympathetic Shank, voiced by Gal Gadot, and her racing team, and even shortly into the dark web, but awful areas like 4Chan or Gab are noticeably not in there. Kaye said, “When Ralph finds he has a knack for funny viral videos that can be posted to raise money to buy the Sugar Rush part (the cost of which has ballooned to $27,000 -- of course -- on eBay), he begins posting them on Buzzztube, where the hive mind allure of such videos, as well as some of the ugly vitriol and hate that any social media expression can inspire, is also neatly satirized.”

At almost two hours, the movie starts to feel long just when the third act starts, and some of the plot feels like it is stretched like they were unnatural just to keep the story going. However, the usual action-packed finale ends up a surprising and completely emotional finale where our two characters – both of whom are given actual life by the perfect animation and lead actors’ amazing voice work – have completely improved in different ways even as their friendship grows.

Gadot, Taraji P. Henson (as Buzztube main algorithm Yesss) and Alan Tudyk (as the bossy search engine KnowsMore) are nice additions to the cast, but other returning actors like Jane Lynch and Jack McBrayer only have cameos. Kaye ended his review by saying, “The animation and visuals are spectacular and eye-filling as always, the electronic world that these characters move through is endlessly imaginative, and like its predecessor, Ralph Breaks the Internet weaves enough sophisticated humor into the kid-friendly antics to keep adults watching as well -- instead of surreptitiously surfing the Web on their phones.”

I have to admit, I might consider this better than the first movie. The first movie wasn’t completely new, but this one felt somewhat original with the content it was given. However, it was still entertaining with some real legitimate drama in there. Definitely go to the theaters to check this one out, especially if you loved the first movie. I would say this is one of my favorite Disney sequels.

Thank you for joining in on tonight's review. Check in this Friday for the conclusion of “Vietnam War Movie Month.”

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