Friday, June 9, 2017

Magnum Force

Welcome back to “Dirty Harry Month,” where today I will look at the 1973 sequel, “Magnum Force.” The basic story is when a known criminal is innocent on murder because of the lack of acceptable evidence, the human population is furious. However, out of nowhere a series of vigilante killings start, eyeing known people that are in narcotics, prostitution and murder. Harry Callaghan and his new partner Inspector Early Smith are assigned the case by their supervisor Lieutenant Neil Briggs.

Throughout the movie Harry Callaghan says, “A man’s got to know his limitations,” in this intense police action sequel to “Dirty Harry.” The highlight is on the .44 Magnum, “the most powerful handgun in the world,” which is suddenly being used for vigilante killings of unknown people. Screenwriters John Milius and Michael Cimino have made a stiff, thrilling screenplay that deals with dirty tactics and taking the lawn into your own hands. Louise Keller said, “Eastwood is totally credible in the tailor-made role of the cop who has to do things his own way ('If you do something someone else's way, you take your life in your own hands).”

Keller goes on to say, “After the opening sequence in which we watch a murderer walk out of court a free man because the justice system has failed, we get to see the unconventional policing style of Harry Callaghan.” When a team of hijackers ask for an overseas pilot to fly the plane, Harry puts on the pilot’s hat. His new partner, Early Smith, played by Felton Perry, is obviously having trouble dealing with the intense parts of the job and there’s an ongoing joke between them involving eating. Even though he's tough on the outside, Harry is actually not that tough. He is sympathetic to his friend Charlie's (Mitchell Ryan) ex-wife (Christine White) who asks why he has never look at her in a loving way, and when beautiful Sunny (Adele Yoshioka) who lives at his apartment asks, “What does a girl have to do to go to bed with you?” Harry smiles and responds, “Try knocking on the door.

There is also the ongoing rancor between Harry and his superior Lieutenant Briggs (Hal Halbrook) and finding out the incredibly accurate shooting ability of the rookie traffic officers, lead by David Soul's Officer John Davis. We see up close the ongoing murders of mobsters by the black-leather wearing vigilante cop, whose execution method is known to us. One of the best things about this film is there is always an element of risk with the action. Keller said, When Harry is clutching onto the bonnet of a speeding car as it screeches around corners, we are not sure he will be safe. I love the evocative music between the boom of the Magnums, the sound of the motorbikes and speeding car being chased down a steep winding road in the lead up to the thrilling conclusion. It's a fitting end to an enthralling thriller which resounds like the boom of the Magnum force.

Just like the first movie, this one is an intense thrill ride from first minute to last. You have got to see this movie if you haven't, it's probably in the same vain as the first movie. If you saw the first movie and you liked it, definitely don't miss out on this one. I actually didn't know that they made sequels to the first movie until I looked it up online.

Look out next week when I take a look at the third film in Dirty Harry Month.

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