Friday, July 17, 2015

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

Well everyone, we now come to what many fans thought brought the series to a screeching halt, “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines,” released in 2003. First off, I want to reiterate what I felt about the first two movies:

Terminator 1 and 2 were classics, not merely dumb action films. They had great action and effects, but also excellent characterization, themes, and writing. I personally prefer 2 over the first one, as so many others do, although I do remember I met a couple of people that thought the second one sucked, but I didn’t see how. If you prefer the first one over the second, that’s fine, but I don’t think the second one sucked, which I’m curious to know why people might think that. I didn't think they were bad in any way and I enjoyed them fully.

However, Terminator 3 wasn`t as underwhelming as AVGN made it out to be. I think the TX was a technical improvement. She had Nano-technology, merged elements of the first two Terminators, and was seductive like the Borg Queen from the “Star Trek” series. I also did like John and Kate. John really struggled with his destiny, felt like a failure, lost his parents, and we see how Kate connects to her father and grows to like John. 

I also think ILM did a great job on the effects. I personally think some of the main problems were that the music and opening were underwhelming, that the cinematography wasn`t dark enough, and that it indeed contradicts the message of whether the future is written or not.

Also there are some plot-holes like: How could Skynet infect the Internet before being plugged in? How did it develop self-awareness so fast? How did they create Skynet after the chip was restored? Why couldn`t they send a virus into Cyberspace to destroy Skynet? Why didn`t the T-850 just tell the army earlier what was going to happen? How can you change the future by postponing it, but not change it altogether? Also wait a minute, the Terminator killed John? I thought it was too late for that, as they had won…hence, the time travel. Why didn`t future Kate also program the Terminator to obey John?

I loved the action when I saw the movie, as probably everyone else did, but the story I questioned, much like with “The Lost World: Jurassic Park.” I do think Terminator 3 had some great story ideas. I think the TX taking over other machines, even the good Terminator, was really interesting. It was also interesting to see how Judgment Day happened. T2 was also somewhat similar to the first one, so I do think the story in this movie had some original ideas. I think the main problem is the continuity. I also think it was interesting they gave some background about John’s fellow commanders. 

Once again, I do like the action in the movie, TX was hot, but I do agree that she was a downgrade from the T-1000, and the continuity really bugged me. However, John and Kate were good and I liked how the Terminator helped them get together and put aside differences. I do think the TX had great Nano-Technology, and could look rather creepy, and her new weapons were cool. Also, I do like Kate’s relationship with her father, played by David Andrews.

Terminator 3 was entertaining, but a disappointing sequel. My initial thoughts about this movie were that it was a campaign video for Arnold Schwarzenegger to win the “Recall Election” for the office of California Governor. I still stand by that, and I do think that I am right, although people might say otherwise. Besides that, I believe the reason why they cheated the mythology is just so the people who made this movie could just make money. Everyone must have decided to make another movie about an evil Terminator coming back to kill John as an adult, and send a good Terminator to stop it. Jonathan Mostow, who directed this movie, must have thought that since the story worked so great in the first two movies, that it could have worked the third time around. What he fails to understand is that the saying “Third time’s a charm” doesn’t always work. The usual formula where the third movie is the rotten egg in the trilogy does play in this movie.

The casting in this movie was great though. Arnold playing the good Terminator was, like the second film, a good choice that I couldn’t see anyone else playing. However, there are parts where he does look bored, especially when he says, "She'll be back," which doesn't have the amount of force when he said it in the first two movies. However, he plays the role very well and really grows to protect John and Kate since he knows the future and they are destined to be together. At first, it is difficult for him to get them together, but it does work in the end since the three of them do eventually grow to work as a team. Edward Furlong was not asked to reprise the role of John for this movie because of a substance abuse problem. Back in 2004, he said this during an interview: “I don't know [what happened]. It just wasn't the time. I was going through my own thing at the point in my life – whatever, it just wasn't meant to be.” Nick Stahl does play John as an adult who has gone through purgatory. He still is street smart, but has matured since the second one. As an adult, he thinks smart, since he has lost his mother, he really has learned from Sarah since they got back together in the second film. Although, I can’t say what happened in between films since I never saw “The Sarah Conner Chronicles.” Linda Hamilton was asked to reprise her role as Sarah, but refused saying, “They offered me a part. I read it and I knew my character arc was so complete in the first two, and in the third one it was a negligible character. She died halfway through and there was no time to mourn her. It was kind of disposable, so I said no thank you.” Claire Danes is really hot as Kate. When Danes was getting interviewed on National Public Radio’s (NPR) “Fresh Air,” she mentioned that the role of Kate was a last-minute replacement since the producers felt that Sophia Bush was too young to play the role. Danes did play Kate really well, showing how scared and confused she is as to why the Terminator is getting them together. She, like anyone else would, constantly jumps on the Terminator and constantly punches him because she doesn’t know what is going on. However, she does come to understand and stays with John by helping him out in order to prepare for the inevitable. Now we come to Kristanna Loken, the drop dead gorgeous actress who played the TX. I feel that Mostow casted her only for men to go crazy over her. I wouldn’t be surprised. However, she does play the TX as a creepy looking Terminator and has great weapons, plus was a tough competitor for the good Terminator. Although, like everyone else, I still prefer the T-1000 over the TX, since I feel the TX was only there just so the movie could have a hot female villain.

Seriously though, everything aside, why make a third movie? AVGN stated that he heard of better story ideas from fan speculation, which I didn’t really hear when this movie was being released. I do welcome another Terminator movie, but can we get better writing, story and humor? This movie did have some funny moments, like the scene in the truck when the Terminator is giving tips about John and Kate’s conversation, but other moments, like the sunglasses moment, felt forced. I feel the same way with the “Alien franchise,” where they should have stopped this series after the second movie. There was no need to make another movie, but when it comes to making money and one of the main actors trying to win an election, the story has to be botched in order for it to be made.

In the end, I don’t really recommend this movie that much. Reviewreviewer1 and I must think in the same ballpark about this movie, as we discussed this movie before I reviewed it, but he might like it a little more than I do. Now I don’t feel bad in giving this movie a 5/10. Like I mentioned, this one I don’t say watch, but if you can get passed the first few minutes, than great.

What can be said about the fourth in the series? Stay tuned next week to find out.


  1. Great review. I agree with pretty much everything you said. I like how fair and balanced you were. They really should have just left it at two films. I also think you perfectly added your own points and said your review apart from AVGN. Great job. Also I think that Sarrah not being in the film hurt it, and that John doesn`t develop the same heartwarming friendship with the terminator who mainly listens to Kate.

    1. I agree with you when you say they should have left it at two films. Thank you for the positive remarks. It was Linda Hamilton's choice for not being in the film since she stated that Sarah was going to die halfway through and there wasn't going to be any time to mourn for her. Also, John being friends with the Terminator again would have really helped this film out a lot. Overall, it wasn't anywhere nearly as good of a job that they did with the first two.
