Monday, April 13, 2015

Star Wars Week Part 2

Welcome back to “Star Wars Week,” where I will be looking at “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,” released in 1980. All of the original cast members came back, the next story was told, and everything was great. The worlds were just fascinating. The Walkers bear a resemblance to the Martin Warhunters from H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds." Cloud City was also from the Flash Gordon serials, and it was nice that they had that in there.

Since all of the principal cast and crew members returned in their respective positions, a couple of new faces were seen. The first was Billy Dee Williams, who played Lando. I thought that this guy was really cool and was a great addition to the series, but was shocked to find out that he was working alongside Vader. However, he did turn back to being a good guy at the end, which I thought was perfect, but did it seem strange as to why he would switch sides at the drop of a hat? Frank Oz came in as Jedi Master Yoda, who was just pitch perfect. You see that he is beaten down and broken, much like how Mickey was in the Rocky series. However, when Luke came around, he helped train him since Obi-Wan's ghost came in and told Luke to go to Yoda.

Luke grows in this movie, but still has the complaining side of him, although not so much. He feels that he isn't strong enough to become a Jedi, but he does push himself so that he can become stronger. He tries to convince Yoda to train him since he feels unafraid, which Yoda tells him, "You will be." This is to set Luke up into knowing that Jedi training is very laborious. Much like how Anakin was in the Original Trilogy, Luke is fearing for his friends on Cloud City, which is understandable, but needs to know that this distraction needs to be in control or else he will not succeed in being a Jedi. Leia is also growing stronger and starts to get attracted more to Han. Han and Chewbacca are accepting everyone as new friends and really care for them when they are in danger. C-3PO and R2-D2 are always great to see together, especially when they are having their comedic moments, which are just a joy to watch. Vader is just evil and dastardly, and you really love him as a villain.

The music in this film is excellent, you hear familiar tones from the previous movie, and you just get into the music as soon as it plays.

The fight choreography, although there isn't much, just lights up the screen and you enjoy it from first minute to last. All the gun shooting, force using, light saber dueling, everything is what makes these movies a treat.

As always, I love the worlds that they use in this movie. Unlike the previous movie, where you only saw Tatooine and the rest of the time they were in space, here we get the world of Hoft, which makes you feel like wrapping yourself in a blanket because of how cold it looks, the Dagobah system, which reminds you of the dangers in a swamp but also a place you'd like to be, and Cloud City, which in my mind, is the best part of the movie.

Every flight sequence and space scenes are just nice since this movie really blends science fiction and fantasy together.

Of course, the biggest help to the film is the story. After the events of the first movie, the characters are working together to bring back balance to the force and take down the Empire so that the Rebellion can live at peace, which they are getting one step closer to succeeding every time.

I can't forget the biggest jaw-dropping moment in this movie, which is when Vader tells Luke, "I am your father." That was just the biggest shocking moment that had people (those who grew up watching the Original Trilogy before seeing the Prequels in theaters when they were released) thinking, "Is Vader telling the truth, or is he making it up?" All of course would be resolved in the last movie. But for people around my generation, that was something that came right out of nowhere, like when Han shot Greedo in the previous movie, and that part was like "WHAT!?" But this moment trumped it all and made us think if Obi-Wan told the truth when he said that Vader betrayed and murdered Luke's father.

All in all, there are some sad moments at the end of this film (Han getting frozen in carbonite, Luke's hand get chopped off by Vader), but all would be resolved in the next movie, which I will get to next time. In the end, I would also give “The Empire Strikes Back” a solid 10+. If you loved the first movie, then definitely check this one out because you will love it as well.

Tomorrow is going to be great because I will be looking at my personal favorite in the Star Wars series, and reviewreviewer1 and I will be working together to defend the movie from any backlash it had. Stay tuned my young Padawan students.


  1. Great review. You were very thourough and personal. I also love this film. Like later on Temple of Doom it was even darker and more intense. Glad you commented on the action, the new characters, and the brillant story twists. I can see why people love this film so much. Funny it got mixed reviews at the time.

    This was one of the best sequels ever made. Along with Terminator 2, Spiderman 2, Aliens, The Godfather Part II, X2, The Dark Knight, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Lethal Weapon 2, and Toy Story 2.

    1. Dude, this had mixed reviews? Why, what were the criticisms? That it was darker than the first? Seriously, all this nit-picking I can't stand at all, and I know you can't either
