Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Jurassic World: Dominion

Today while exercising, I finished watching “Jurassic World: Dominion,” which came out in June, on Peacock. Now I will let everyone know my thoughts on the final installment in the “Jurassic World” trilogy.

The sixth film in the Jurassic Park franchise and final one in the Jurassic World trilogy has a large ensemble cast of characters, dinosaurs and cliffhangers.

Familiar faces include the protagonists and actors from the first film, Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), Alan Grant (Sam Neill), and Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), along with the protagonists and actors from this current trilogy, Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), and Maisie Lockwood (Isabella Sermon). These characters have separate, related storylines in the movie. When they final all get together in the third act, they really fill up the screen.

Owen, Claire and Maisie start where they left off in the last movie, hiding from people who want Maisie for the genetic secrets of her being cloned. They live in a remote area with little contact with other people, where they encounter Owen’s Velociraptor, Blue, and her offspring, Beta. The evil corporate empire of Biosyn Genetics has evil plans for both Maisie and Beta. Biosyn agents kidnap both of them, with Claire and Owen following closely behind.

Meanwhile, in a different, but related subplot, Ellie Sattler believes that Biosyn has genetically engineered a species of huge locusts that are seriously exhausting crops around the world. She goes to her old friends, Alan Grant and Ian Malcolm, to get help in getting genetic samples from Biosyn research facilities which would prove that Biosyn is to blame for the locust disease.

Robert Roten said in his review, “These globe-trotting rescuers and investigators encounter a variety of dangerous Biosyn allies, minions and bitey dinosaurs along the way. There are a series of cliffhangers as they barely escape time after time before the enormously destructive finale.” There is plenty of action in this movie.

The main antagonist in the movie is Dr. Lewis Dodgson, played by Campbell Scott, who is the unethical CEO of Biosnyn. He is a businessman who engages in the types of activities that are absolutely bad for business, like the locust breeding program, which is stupid, because he obviously can’t get away with it. Roten described, “His unbusinesslike behavior falls into the category of “mad scientist.””

Other characters in the movie, like geneticist Dr. Henry Wu (BD Wong), Biosyn communications director Ramsay Cole 9Mamoudou Athie), and freelance pilot Kayla Watts (DeWanda Wise) are more complicated than they appear to be at first.

Roten advised, “Once you get past the basic silliness of the plot and the monster movie overtones, this is more like an unserious heist adventure movie, and as such, it is enjoyable. This is not one of those awful dark, depressing films about an impending genetic apocalypse, although it could have easily been turned into that with a few minor tweaks.” This is an entertaining film, filled with action, nostalgia, and special effects.

What I don’t like about this film is that they filled in two-three stories into this movie, that it constantly changes between them, making it feel confusing as to what to focus on. I do admit that it is nice to see these characters from both trilogies again and the dinosaur fights are great and still look amazing, but seriously, they need to really work on the characters and stories if they want to continue making these films. I know they said they won’t rule out the possibility of making more films, but if they do, work on the films to make it better. There needs to be one central focus if you continue to make these films. Don’t mix so much in there and try to make it engaging like the first one was. Check it out if you want on Peacock, since it will be on there for four months before moving to Amazon Prime for 10 months before going back to Peacock.

Thank you for joining in on my review today. Stay tuned Friday for the continuation of “Starship Troopers Month.”

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